
Re-envisioning Society with Nature Inspired Smart Communities

SMIU Global Research Congress 2024

A research congress provides a platform for discussion, deliberation and dissemination of advanced academic and applied research. The SMIU Global Research Congress brings together six stand-alone research conferences under one roof, to be held simultaneously, focusing on the issues of innovation and sustainability from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Under the umbrella of the SMIU Global Research Congress the following disciplines will hold their conferences:

  1. Business and Management
  2. Information Technology
  3. Media and Social Development
  4. Environmental Sciences
  5. Linguistics
  6. Education

These conferences will not only address the issues that are concurrent in terms of innovation and sustainability but will also address the emerging challenges and opportunities in their respective domains. Participants of the congress will be able to deconstruct and redefine the thematic concepts.


The SMIU GRC aims to unite practitioners, academicians, researchers, and students from different areas of study on one platform to deliberate upon the latest research and its outcomes and network effectively.


The SMIU GRC will welcome diverse perspectives, dialogues, and discussions that can lead to innovative and sustainable problems to address several issues highlighted in the United Nation?s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


The SMIU GRC will address the concurrent issues of innovation and sustainability and the emerging challenges and opportunities in their respective domains. Participants of the congress will be able to deconstruct and redefine the thematic concepts.


The SMIU GRC will provide a key platform for developing researchers with international and diversified knowledge and experiences, enhancing the quality decision-making of policymakers and promoting the highest utilization of research knowledge from the preview of innovation and sustainable development.